
If you are attending in person, you can show up starting at 1:30 pm

Google Meeting opens: 1:50 pm 

Annual General Meeting starts: 2:00 pm

Annual General Meeting ends: 3:00 pm

Attend in person

Our Covid Plan applies to this event

For the safety of attendees with allergies and sensitivities, please avoid wearing strong scents (perfume/cologne, scented lotion) at this event.

Join the Meeting via Google Meet or via Phone

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: no more link because the meeting is over

Volunteers for the Nomination Committee

We are looking for at least two SDAV members to be our Nomination Committee to oversee the election of our Directors. It is a fun way to participate in the Annual General Meeting. Are you organized and willing to learn a few things about policy and procedure? We have a short-term volunteer opportunity for 2 people. Must be available for the Annual General Meeting on December 3, 2022 2-3 pm. Please email for more information.

Nomination Committee Governing Policies

Any committee that is created as a “Standing Committee” must be composed of qualified members in good standing of the society. The Standing Committees are as follows:

a) The Nomination Committee 

i) Members of the Nomination Committee cannot oversee an election in which they are candidates

ii) Has at least 2 members

iii) Duties of the committees are outlined in Schedule C – Committees 

Schedule C Committee

a) The Nomination Committee

i) Is a standing committee which is active only whenever a general meeting where elections are required is called. The committee disbands and becomes inactive at the end of the general meeting

ii) Announces the call for nominations for society directors;

iii) Solicits, receives, and reviews nominations for society directors; and

iv) Facilitates elections for directors at annual general meetings in accordance with society bylaws.

Special Resolutions

To provide the most accessible Annual General Meeting to our members, the Swing Dance Association of Victoria are having their 2023 AGM in person with the option to attend online. To ensure that Voting and Nominations at the AGM can occur, Swing Dance Association of Victoria Board Members are proposing the following Special Resolutions to be voted on at the AGM:


Option 1: Motion that voting will be conducted by submitting responses via Survey Monkey for the duration of this meeting.

Option 2: Motion that voting will be conducted by submitting responses via Email for the duration of this meeting.

Option 3: Motion that voting will be conducted by show of hands in person, in Google Meet video chat, and verbal "yes" for those calling into the meeting via the phone for the duration of this meeting.

Election of Directors and Proposed Bylaw Change

Option 1: Motion that Directors are to be elected by submitting electronic secret ballots via Survey Monkey for the 2023 AGM.

Option 2: Motion that Directors are to be elected by submitting electronic ballots via Email for the 2023 AGM.

Option 3: Motion that Directors are to be elected by show of hands in person, in Google Meet video chat, and verbal "yes" for those calling into the meeting via the phone for the 2023 AGM.

Proposed Bylaw Change

To ensure that we have enough directors to keep the Swing Dance Association running, the Directors of the Swing Dance Association of Victoria propose that we change the following bylaw

“Part 4 – Directors and Offices

17) The number of directors must be 5 or a greater number determined from time to time at a general meeting.”


“Part 4 – Directors and Offices

17) The number of directors must be 3 or a greater number determined from time to time at a general meeting.”  

Director Roles and Responsibilities


The President coordinates the operations of the Society and its Directors. They are responsible for chairing board meetings, as well as preparing agendas for all meetings. They also supervise all other Directors in the execution of their individual duties. The President is part of the Executive Committee, along with the Vice-President, Treasurer & Secretary, which creates an annual budget, and strategic plan. Shares the responsibility of monitoring the post office box with the Treasurer.

Will use their SDAV email address to communicate as needed.


The Vice-President supervises committees in delivering committee services, and reports and makes recommendations to the board on committee activities. If the President is unable to perform their duties, then the Vice-President takes on those responsibilities temporarily, such as chairing meetings. The Vice-President is part of the Executive Committee, along with the President, Treasurer & Secretary, which creates an annual budget and strategic plan.

Will use their SDAV email address to communicate as needed. 


The Treasurer is responsible for all of the financial matters of the Society including record keeping, financial management, financial statements & reporting, collecting & dispensing funds, banking, registration & membership sales, following GAAP, and answering financial questions from the directors and members. The Treasurer is part of the Executive Committee, along with the President, Vice-President & Secretary, which creates an annual budget, and strategic plan. The Treasurer prepares and presents the board with a budget at the first board meeting that occurs within 60 days of the AGM. As well, the Treasurer prepares and presents quarterly financial reports to the board within one month of the conclusion of the quarter.  The Treasurer prepares and presents financial reports for events to the board within 14 days of the event. The Treasurer accesses and updates financial information and reports on SwingTix, Square, and the SDAV google drive using the treasurer’s credentials. Shares the responsibility of monitoring the post office box with the President.

Will use their SDAV email address to communicate as needed.


The Secretary is responsible for all of the general record keeping of the society including taking meeting minutes, conducting correspondence, issuing a notice of meetings, maintaining all physical and electronic documents, maintain the registrar of members. Experience with Google Drive, Google Sites, Google Docs, and Google Sheets is highly recommended. The Secretary is part of the Executive Committee, along with the President, Vice-President & Treasurer, which creates an annual budget, and strategic plan. The Secretary is responsible for writing and submitting any legal paperwork to the BC Government required to keep the Society up to date and operational. The Secretary is responsible for maintaining and updating credentials in LastPass. The Secretary is responsible for maintaining and updating google business for non profit. The Secretary is responsible for maintaining and updating the Society’s communications, which currently includes Gmail:, MailChimp, SwingTix, Hootsuite, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and

Will use their SDAV email address to communicate as needed.

Director at Large 

The Director-at-Large assists with general society business or special projects, often involving events, marketing or administration. This is a flexible position and depends on what business the society is currently working on and what tasks the director is interested in undertaking.

Will use their SDAV email address to communicate as needed. 

Annual General Meeting 2023 Minutes

AGM Meeting Minutes


A board meeting of the Swing Dance Association of Victoria (SDAV) was held at 158 Medana St, Victoria, BC. The meeting was called to order at 1:09pm. Catie Fissel, in the chair, and Jeff Doyle acting as Secretary. 

Roll Call


Caroline Sadowski

Nicole Heron

Dave Henderson

Catie Henderson

Liana Starried

Meagan Russel

James Russel

Alison Mcloed

Jody Boyko

Julia Franta

Anthony Carr

Paul Scott

Irwin Henderson


2023 AGM Power Point


There is a vote to determine how we will vote in this AGM

anonymous survey:

5 votes

Online and raised hands to vote

8 votes

Option 3 passes, online and raised hands votes

Catie Fissel Motions to change the society bylaw to allow it to operate with fewer board members. Caroline Sadowski seconds the motion. The motion is adopted with 12 votes for and 0 against. 2 votes abstained.




Catie Fissel Nominated, seconded by Irwin Henderson.  

14 votes for

0 against

0 abstained

Vice President


Carolyn Sadowski nominates Dave, Catie Fissel seconds

14 votes for

0 against

0 abstained



Alison McLeod Nominates Jeff Doyle, Catie Fissel seconds

14 votes for

0 votes against

0 abstain



Meagan Russel is nominated by Catie Fissel, Jeff Doyle seconds

13 votes for

0 votes against

1 vote abstaining

Director at Large:


Josephina Koenig

14 votes for 

0 votes against

0 abstain

Catherine Cortez

9 votes for

5 abstain

0 votes against

Nicole Heron

13 votes for

0 votes against

1 abstain

The meeting adjourned at 2:04pm.